Fr David Communication

The Sunday of the Paralysed Man
Today, following the subject of the Gospel reading is known as the Sunday of the Paralysed Man, or the Paralytic. We have now moved from the immediate aftermath of the Resurrection, and returned to events in the Gospel related to the period of Jesus’s ministry – but always to be seen in the light of […]

The Myrrh-bearing Women and Joseph of Arimathaea
This week we go back a little from the main emphasis on the historical account that we heard last week. Last week we heard of how Thomas, who had not been present when Jesus appeared to the other disciples had been unable to accept that the Lord had risen from the dead without physical proof. […]

2nd of Pascha (Thomas Sunday) 15th April 2018
Today, the first Sunday after Pascha, or Easter, is known as Thomas Sunday. To the English, St Thomas is popularly known as “Doubting Thomas”. For the reason we need to look no further than today’s Gospel. This expression has passed into English usage, although not perhaps as widely used as at one time. If someone […]